Archive for the QC plugins Category

_1024_Ribbon QC Plugin

Posted in QC plugins, software with tags on July 1, 2014 by Francois Wunschel

As requested from the comments section.
Get it from the QC plugins repository


_1024_StructureTools 1.2

Posted in QC plugins, quartz composer, software with tags , on August 1, 2012 by Francois Wunschel

Soft update that adds:

– _1024_Structure_XYZ_Maker: quickly make an XYZ Structure
– _1024_Structure_LinearSpread : generate a linear XYZ array
– _1024_Structure_CurveSpread: generate XYZ points on a 3d curve
– _1024_Structure_BoundingBox: finds the bounding box of an XYZ Structure
– _1024_Structure_Smooth: semi-working smooth (_1024_Damping is better)

Get it from the QC Plugin Repository

_1024_Damping 1.1

Posted in QC plugins, quartz composer, software with tags , , on July 20, 2012 by Francois Wunschel

A slight update to support the standard XYZ structure.
In other words, this patch can now smooth a structure, provided it is in the XYZ format.
Pretty handy, all the more as it works nicely with _1024_Structure_Tools, which you’ll need to run the included example.
10.5+ UB, DL from the QC Plugins Repository

_1024_Rope 1.1 QCPlugin

Posted in QC plugins, quartz composer with tags , , , on July 12, 2012 by Francois Wunschel

Now with XYZ structure input, so there’s no need for an iterator to get multiple ropes from the same patch.
You’ll need _1024_Structure_Tools to run the included example.
Get the plugin from the QC Plugin Repository

_1024_CITY 1.0 QCPlugin

Posted in experimental, QC plugins, quartz composer, software with tags , , on July 11, 2012 by Francois Wunschel

Yes, we are architects/urbanists after all. At some point it seems natural to merge our fields in one plugin, for fun, and for the study of an idea.

So this is a very experimental plugin to generate some city like geometry.
Undocumented, but I’ve included a few example files in the download.

It is a current work in progress, aiming at a fully dynamic/morphable city panorama system (ouch!). It already features a VertexArray Lerp, so that you can morph from one city to the other (by using SaveStart and SaveTarget, then enabling interpolation, provided Start and Target are different).

This plugin iteration was coded by our young padawan soF. There *might* be some problems so use it at your own risk. (I like saying that: it could nuke your computer, or not).

Get it from the QC PlugIn Repository under the experimental section.
Drop a comment if you enjoy, drop a picture if you made something rad !

_1024_Structure_Tools 1.0(1)

Posted in QC plugins, software with tags , on July 10, 2012 by Francois Wunschel

Massive utility plugin, which concatenate in one plugin file multiple patches to tinker and manipulate structures in QC. It is a nice companion to KnM Data Tools
This plugin will replace the following existing _1024_Plugins (please remove them from your install folder):
– _1024_StructureMerge
– _1024_InteractionStructure
– _1024_MathStructure
– _1024_WaveGenerator
– _1024_PerlinNoise

_1024_Structure_Tools includes the following patches:
Structure Write (with a pop up dialog box)
Structure Read (for consistency)

Structure Wave (outputs wave-like positioned XYZ values)
Structure Circle (outputs circle-like positioned XYZ values)
Structure 2d Array (outputs 2d array positioned XYZ values)

Structure Truncate
Structure Shuffle
Structure Sort (according to X, Y or Z components)
Structure Merge

Structure Transform (scales and offset)
Structure Noise (generates Perlin noise XYZ values)
Structure Math (performs math operation between 2 structures)

Structure Interaction (hit test a structure)

Structure ImageToStructure (converts an image into an XYZ structure based on threshold)
Structure ImageToLuma (converts an image into a brightness array based on threshold)
Structure ImageToRGB (converts an image into a RGB structure)

Structure CSV to Vertex (reads a CSV-uf8encoded file into an XYZ structure, CSV Parser by Michael Stapelberg)
Structure Mesh to XYZ (converts mesh vertices into XYZ structure)

Structure_Queue (with additional push_front and pop_front options)

Note: after many years of fiddling with QC I finally decided to adopt a format for my structure data. Vertices, points, are stored in a XYZ format – that is compatible with Kineme GLTools – so you can expect upcoming plugins to stick to that.
A good tip to access _1024_Structure_Tools directly from the patch creator is to type “_str”, which will filter out unrelated patches.

The plugin can be downloaded from the QC PlugIns Repository and is 10.5+/UB.
– EDIT – : thx to Jayj and james, the sample files are now updated to run correctly, DL the latest 1.01 version.

Here are some snapshots of the included sample files, which will all require KnM GLTools:

Particle Warfare

Posted in QC plugins, quartz composer with tags on June 18, 2012 by Francois Wunschel

_1024_QCPlugins Repository

Posted in QC plugins, software with tags on June 13, 2012 by Francois Wunschel

I got tired of the widget, because nobody could properly read the plugin names, and it was white on my black background (grrr).
The box is gone (visually at least).

So for now on, you can access all my plugins from this one and single page:
QC Plugins Repository from the Pages section on the right of this site.

_1024_Selector version 1.1 QCPlugin

Posted in QC plugins, quartz composer, software with tags on June 13, 2012 by Francois Wunschel

Now with internal settings to dynamically set the number of inputs.
10.5+ UB, DL from the box here.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License

_1024_InteractionStructure QCPlugin

Posted in QC plugins, quartz composer, software with tags , , , on June 13, 2012 by Francois Wunschel

This plug allows you to hit test and manipulate a XYZ element structure
(the same kind of structures you would use for KnM GLTools) with your mouse, and also allows you to nudge the last selected element with your keyboard arrows. Useful for fine-tuning positions in a structure.
Sample files included (one of them uses _1024_PerlinNoise, the other is using KnM Data Tools to load a structure on launch – formerly KnM StructureTools), 10.5+, UB.
DL from the box here, as usual.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License