_1024_StructureMerge QCplugin

I’m into DMX/Artnet structures at the moment,
and I just needed a tiny lightweight plugin to combine2 structures,
while preserving the keys and order
and keeping everything at the same level.

Faster than a javascript equivalent.
Download from the box.

6 Responses to “_1024_StructureMerge QCplugin”

  1. I have a problem, and is that when I download all your QC app or plugins, I always have differents errors when I open in QC and can´t see anything, always the errors that something is missing to open your file.
    Will be interesting a text file with all the info or plugins needed to open the file. Thank you so much, but I want see what is inside that plugins.

    • Francois Wunschel Says:

      Did you install the plugins in /Library/Graphics/Quartz Composer Plug-Ins/
      before launching the QTZ files ?

  2. Yes I did. If you need I could send you screen captures.

  3. I dont get where I cand download the files thx

  4. T’as pas le même avec X structures ?
    avec plusieurs sender artNet ca merdouille.
    alors c’est quoi le tricks ?

    • Francois Wunschel Says:

      nan, mais tu peux le merger plusieurs fois de suite….
      tu peux avoir plusieurs sender artnet, mais pas sur le meme univers …. (faut configurer les boites avec le NME de merde qui marche jamais …)

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